This bike will change your life! - Dutch Cargo (AU)

This bike will change your life!

Great 15min watch and listen, perfect for a lazy Sunday morning. Check out what Ben and Felix have to say about this bike.
Best thing? It's in stock, and we deliver ready to ride on your doorstep.
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This cargo bike can hold a total weight of up to 200 kg, including the rider, making it suitable for all of the family. Due to the state-of-the-art full suspension technology, your precious cargo will stay safe on bumpy ground and cushioned from big knocks during transit. Thanks to the slack seat angle, you’re low enough to place your feet firmly on the ground when necessary. The R&M LOAD4 electric bikes are equipped with the Bosch Smart System, complete with the powerful and reliable Bosch Cargo Line motor, designed for a smooth ride for a fully-loaded family!
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